Author: Gary K

  • Example Table

    An example table for wpDataTable

  • SEO Tip #1: Identify Your Web Images

    This is a simple SEO [Search Engine Optimization] tip. The first for our list. Please, PLEASE, identify your images every way you can. For me, this usually means first creating a relevant file name. For example, 101303.jpg tells the search engines nothing. This, however, says something about your photo: john-ostenburg-happy-buddha-2011.jpg That’s the title of the…

  • The $500 Small Business Web Site/Blog

    For a short time only, let eNews Park Forest Web Services design a Web page for your small business for only $500.* Want a year of no-worry hosting? We are pleased to offer a year of hosting for the price of 10 months — that’s two months free! Contact ENEWSPF today to give your business…

  • Very Busy with eNews Park Forest

    I’m very happy to announce that eNews Park Forest is on schedule to surpass 47,000 visitors for the month of April, 2009!  This is absolutely incredible. Now, we may be looking at exponential growth (If two people tell two people, 4 people know about the site.  If 1000 people tell two people, there are 2000. …

  • iDon’t Like the iPhone At All

    Commentary iWent shopping for a new cell phone yesterday.  My Treo 650 finally sprung a leak.  Up to now, that phone was simply the best phone I ever owned.  In spite of the numerous times I dropped it though the years, it held up solid.  The tone was always clear, and I love the Palm…

  • Should I Joomla?

    Sometimes clients are looking for an easy solution for a web site they can maintain themselves, or at least one that allows them to easily submit new content for a web designer to style and add to a site. Clubs and organizations, especially non-profits, can benefit from such sites. For these, the perfect solution is…

  • Is Your Business On Google Maps?

    If you’re not already, you should be on Google Maps.  You can get a free listing for your business, and you should take advantage of that.  The more you can do to draw attention to your business, the better. It’s easy.  To start, go to Google Maps.  You’ll need to sign up for an account…

  • What Color Is Your Browser?

    I get a lot of questions about browsers: “Which one is the best?” “Why can’t I view items on this or that web page?” “My computer freezes when I go to the New York Times! What’s going on?” The answers to these questions are never easy, particularly regarding some who can’t view web pages correctly,…

  • Yahoo Won’t Take The Bait

    The Chicago Tribune is reporting this evening that Yahoo Inc.’s board will reject Microsoft Corp.’s $44.6 billion takeover bid. I’m actually glad to hear this. Yahoo’s board concluded “the unsolicited offer undervalues the slumping Internet pioneer, a person familiar with the situation said Saturday,” according to the article. However, as with all things Microsoft, this…

  • Met With A Potential Client Today

    Had coffee at Panera Bread in Matteson, IL, today with a friend who is also a potential client. Joe has an intriguing concept for a web site.  The client is working with two other individuals, one who does “Trinkets n’ Trash” promotional items.  Joe and another business partner do consulting work. The challenge is to…