Web Standards in eGovernment

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I’ve written before about web standards, accessibility, and proper coding for web pages. These are crucial to solid web development, and requirements in government, at least here in the United States. That does not mean that all web pages validate, as is apparent from our own Whitehouse web site.

However, as eGovernment becomes more commonplace, the World Wide Web Consortium once again is at the forefront of ensuring that proper standards are in place.

Today, the W3C announced is holding a European Symposium on eGovernment on 1-2 February 2007 in Gijón, Asturias, Spain. Participants will discuss issues that governments and citizens currently face in their use of Web technology. The Symposium may lead to suggestions for improvements in W3C specifications or further W3C energies devoted to eGovernment initiatives.

eGovernment refers to the use of the Web or other information technologies by governing bodies to interact with their citizenry. Like any information provider, governments have found it useful and efficient to interact with customers — citizens — online, allowing them to file tax returns online, take drivers education classes, access forms, and vote. Access to information, and efficient and secure interactions, help ensure fair governance. Following interoperable, open Web standards helps ensure access to information to people with diverse capabilities, using various devices, and helps ensure that “the people’s data” will remain available long into the future.

See the full story here.