Author: Gary K

  • Browser Wars III – IE7 Due This Month – Ready?

    Microsoft has spent forever and a day preparing the newest release of Internet Explorer.  If you do not download it yourself, you will receive it via Automatic Updates in the coming weeks.  While IE7 is supposed to have greater conformance with CSS standards, Windows users are still much better off with Firefox.  Web designers are…

  • Critical Flash Player Bug Fix

    PC World reports in its October 2006 edition that Adobe has just patched a “critical bug” in the Macromedia Flash Player. If you were to simply visit a booby-trapped site, you’d be hit. According to PC World: Exploitation of the flaw could leave your PC completely compromised via memory corruption, according to security researcher Fortinet.…

  • Translating Your Web Page

    There are some sites on the internet that will translate your web content for free. If you want to expand your business, why not offer content in other languages? Expanding your reader base can really grow your business. Sadly, the free translations can be simply horrid. Consider this example from English: “Mrs. Hooker sat…

  • A Win for Internet Freedom in the United States

    I usually don’t talk about political issues on this blog.  I have other outlets for my political views.  However, I do feel it is important to take note of an important issue that came up before the United States Senate this week — or, rather, did not come up. The Net Neutrality bill would have…

  • Toward the Ultimate Photo Gallery

    I admit right from the start that I’m not much of a Flash person. While Flash is very nice when used in moderation, sometimes it is overdone. Google cautions against expecting great Search Engine Optimization from Flash sites. In fact, Google recommends that if you do in fact create a Flash site, create a regular…

  • Searching for an Engine – II

    I wrote to the creators of FreeFind. I use FreeFind on two sites, and have been happy with it. However, my sites will not validate at the W3C with FreeFind’s code. I’d like it to validate. So, I asked advice of the brains behind the engine. My request was simple: Subject: FreeFind code does not…

  • Expanding Our Reader Base

    I decided to expand my reader base for Shire Enterprise: the Blog, at Technorati. Technorati Profile

  • Why do I want a professional web design?

    This is a question that many small businesses may find themselves asking. Why not just get a web page designed quickly? Someone has a friend who dabbles in web design, so why not just let this person design my site? There are so many factors to take into consideration, and many good reasons to hire…

  • Looking for some web design validation….

    There are some powerful tools available to the web developer to validate sites. Web Developer for Firefox is a tool that does much more than validate. It allows us to view CSS, outline selected elements, and validate in several different areas right at the W3C. In addition, the designer can instantly resize a browser window…

  • Browser Wars I

    One of the most frustrating things for the web designer is coming up with a final design that works well in all browsers. The big six are primary targets: Mozilla Firefox for Windows and Mac, Internet Explorer (IE), Opera for Windows and Mac, Safari, Netscape for Windows, and Camino for Mac. Getting a site to…