Use Protection When Looking for Love Online

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Sometimes a headline is just too good, too funny.

Webroot Cautions Users to Use Protection When Looking for Love Online

The story is from Webroot Software, Inc., providers of industry leading security software for consumers, enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. The release comes on Valentine’s Day, and I have to hand it to them, this is very clever marketing.

To coincide with Valentine’s Day, Internet security developer Webroot Software today cautioned users to protect themselves and their families against dangerous Internet threats and identity thieves when looking for love online. Webroot warned users against inadvertently posting personal information that can in turn be used by spammers, spyware purveyors, online predators or identity thieves. There have also been reports of malware developers creating false profiles on various social networking sites to target and attract the large installed base of users.

The story goes on to give some very good advice on avoiding the pitfalls of spyware and other nasty things.

Read the full story here.